As you allow your freedom of speech to be eliminated from common discussion by Democrat’s in concert with big Tech, then expect in the next phase, for you to be taken away dumb and silent, led like sheep to a camp and eliminated.


If you doubt this, you need only Look to Venezuela for your future.

It only took one generation of progressive democrats to plunge Venezuela into poverty and civil war. Here is how they did it and will do it in the country I love the “United States”.

  1. Install Socialist democrat President “Biden” under guise of “income inequality, racism, open borders, global warming, defund the police, disparage law and order”
  2. Socialize healthcare (eliminate all private practice doctors)
  3. Institute Free education for all the peasants
  4. Crush religious freedom of Christians and Jews and replace family with the “State”
  5. Ban private citizens from ownership of guns, dictate mass inoculation’s, masks for thee but not me.
  6. All opposition must be silenced (censorship) and imprisoned (political prisoners) from JAN/6, 2020
  7. Due to the Dem’s policies, food and healthcare becomes scarce and shortages follow.
  8. Then Due to unrest of the people suspension of our constitution and bill of rights. Martial law implemented.
  9. All those who stand up for America must face the U.S. military, under orders from the socialist President and all unarmed citizens who dissent are massacred or incarcerated.
  10. Takeover is complete. There is no place to go to.

It is now or never. If you are a freedom loving American, you need to stand with me shoulder to shoulder. Help me stop the Democrats from destroying America.


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